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GET https://gateway.gear.mycelium.com/api/gateways/:id

PARAMETERS (* Required field)

id* (Integer) ID of Gateway


id (Integer) ID of Gateway
name (String) Gateway name (will appear on payment page)
pubkey (String) BIP32 public key
confirmations_required (Integer) Bitcoin network confirmations required (0-6)
orders_expiration_period (Integer) Time (in seconds) which is given customer to make payment
default_currency (String) Currency code (ISO 4217) in which prices are shown to customer
active (Boolean) Whether a gateway can process new orders
test_mode (Boolean) Whether to use testnet for payment processing
test_pubkey (String) BIP32 testnet pulic key (used when test_mode is true)
address_derivation_scheme (String) Address derivation scheme: m/0/n or n
callback_url (String) URL to send server POST notifications of order statuses
auto_redirect (Boolean) Whether to enable redirection on successful payment
after_payment_redirect_to (String) URL to which redirect customers after successful payment (if auto_redirect is true)
back_url (String) URL to which redirect customers on order cancellation
convert_currency_to (Integer) ID of Address Provider which is to process payments, otherwise string 'BTC'
exchange_rate_adapter_names (Array) Array of String names of exchange rate adapters. Default: ["Bitstamp", "Btce", "Kraken"]
receive_payments_notifications (Boolean) Whether to send email notifications of payments
allow_links (Boolean) Allow links and <a> tags in field values
api_gateway_id (Integer) Straight server gateway ID
custom_css_url (String) URL to CSS file with a payment UI customizations
description (Integer) Description of merchant
merchant_url (Integer) URL of merchant site
country (String) Country of merchant
city (String) City of merchant
region (Integer) Region of merchant

Example Request

REQUEST GET https://gateway.gear.mycelium.com/api/gateways/2
  "id": 2,
  "name": "Custom Gateway",
  "confirmations_required": 0,
  "orders_expiration_period": 900,
  "default_currency": "BTC",
  "pubkey": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcGuDMvxmtujoT8iirPUbrq9CApyVQpTpbxkFSBwNo1qubb4sYP63wD8X8NnDf4N8aKRpoa5P4PGb1H6q7rA3p9kiJn3aagva",
  "active": true,
  "address_derivation_scheme": "m/0/n",
  "callback_url": "",
  "after_payment_redirect_to": "",
  "auto_redirect": false,
  "city": "Mogadishu",
  "test_pubkey": null,
  "test_mode": false,
  "convert_currency_to": "BTC",
  "country": "Somalia",
  "exchange_rate_adapter_names": [
  "description": "Yet another gateway",
  "merchant_url": "http://mystore.com",
  "receive_payments_notifications": false,
  "region": "Central Somalia",
  "locale": null,
  "allow_links": false,
  "secret": null,
  "api_gateway_id": "aa0fd3ff43f468a28383edb93f8b32e315327f9772faf6b14f3a2ee6bd726a7b",
  "back_url": null,
  "custom_css_url": null